Friday, October 31, 2014

Ulcerative Colitis

I just got out of the hospital for the 3rd time this year due to another UC flare up. Living with UC has been very difficult and hard for me to talk to anyone about. I am embarrassed to say I have it, which is silly but I don't want people to know I suffer from something like this. The doctors tell me mine is stress related and I need to learn to live stress free..who in the world is able to live stress free? So now I am on prednisone and a whole list of new medications :(

Prednisone is a steroid, it has the tendency to make me bounce off the walls and eat..A LOT! It is the worst!! But in order to get better I have to take it. The best thing about being on this medication is that my house is always clean and I do a lot more crafting ;)

Does anyone in the blogging world suffer from this disease as well? I would love to talk to someone for support!


Fran @ Sassy Southern Bride November 3, 2014 at 7:32 AM  

Oh gosh, I know how hard it is to be on prednisone. I feel for you. I've had to take it for bad asthma flare ups. And yes, I'd like to learn how to live stress free. What a joke!