Friday, December 19, 2014

Secret Santa

I participated in my first Secret Santa through blogging and it was sooo much fun!

My present came from the lovely Ashley :)

Ashley are you psychic? These goodies are all me and I love all of them!!!! I have been wanting to buy a new note pad because I can never find one when I need to jot something down! Thank you so much for my gifts :)

I got to play Secret Santa to Mae. Make sure to visit her page to see what I sent her!

I hope all of you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. Since I will be leaving for Ohio tomorrow I will be MIA for a week or two :)

It has been awhile!

Sorry for my absence in the blogging world the past couple of weeks! We did not think we were going to be able to fly back to Ohio for the holidays this year but ticket prices finally went down :) I have just been so busy shopping and making gifts that I haven't had time for anything else it seems!

Tomorrow night we leave for Ohio, which is where the hubby is from. He has such a huge family so we are very excited to see everyone! He has 3 brothers and 1 sister, I was the only child so spending Christmas with a big family is so much fun for me now that I am older. The love that family has for each other is amazing, I don't think any of them have ever fought or said anything negative about each other in their whole life and I LOVE that. It doesn't hurt that it might be a WHITE Christmas this year as well. Sometimes getting away from the hustle and bustle of this big city is all we need.

I wanted to share with y'all some of the presents I made for my friends :)

 This is for my BFF if you couldn't tell ;) I cut the states and the quote out using my handy Silhouette machine.
 Now I am obsessed with monogrammed EVERYTHING! Does anyone else love it as much as I do?

So California has been having rain the past couple of weeks, I am not complaining because rain brings snow to our local mountains. We drove up to Mt. High for the day yesterday for our first newlywed snowboarding session. The conditions were perfect! Thank you mother nature. But I did have a pretty bad fall towards the end yesterday so getting out of bed today was a little rough!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Our Wedding Video

We have been looking forward to this day for almost 3 months, our video is finally done!

Lindsay & Andy Wolff from Caleb Pierce on Vimeo.

Turkey Day Recap

I still can't wrap my head around it being December already! The older we get it seems the years start flying by. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, from what I have read and seen on Instagram it looks like y'all did! Mine was relaxing and stress free for once. My mom had all the food ready pretty early, which is a first! We ate, we talked, mom took and nap, and we watched a movie with my dad. After we got back to our place we went for a walk to the beach and played Cards Against Humanity with our neighbors. (I won) Here are some pics from turkey day!

 I can't believe I made that cornucopia, it was super easy :)

I also made cranberry sauce in the crockpot and pumpkin cheese cake bars. They both came out amazing and I highly recommend trying them! Here are the recipes for the sauce and the bars.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Funday

Well HEY YALL! Hope all of you had a wonderful and warm weekend! I haven't posted in awhile due to my coconut oil fiasco, I just have been in a funk this last week. But I am alive and well from what I was told by my Dr. today...apparently I am not getting any better according to my lab results, so I have to undergo more testing and be off until January 12th. I am not complaining having time off work especially around the holidays, but it is our year to spend Christmas in Ohio but tickets are over $800. I get some money for disability but that is just too much money to spend on tickets!

My mom finally made me get out of the house this week, our passes are almost expired for Disneyland so we ventured out to the park and enjoyed the decorations and did a little shopping. When I got home I looked down and noticed what I thought was dirt on my wing but nope turned out to be a missing stone. This is the second time this has happened to me grrrrrrrr!!!

I have been making gifts for my co-workers as well and finally finished these cute tumblers :)

Saturday we went to a craft fair in Long Beach that I was super excited about but only ended up buying one item and it was for me. I planned on buying gifts galore for people at this thing! All they really had was house decor items or baby stuff which I don't really need either right now. This is what we purchased and I am in love with it, simple but true :)

That night we went out for the first time probably since we've been married..I know we are pretty lame ;) We went to a show with our friends who we haven't seen in forever which ended up being a lot of fun! It was a Beatles and Rolling Stone cover band. We are already planning our next show...a Prince cover band HA!

Sunday was a lazy day, we went to Michaels and thats about it. I am patiently waiting for Andy to get home so we can watch Walking Dead.

I am linking up with these lovely ladies, Lisa and Bella.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Time Coconut Oil Failed Me

Coconut Oil is all the rage right now, I researched it like everyone else and started using it in my recipes. Well the other day I decided to start using it on my face..couldn't hurt. I saw so many pins on how good it is for your skin. Boy was I wrong. After about 4 days my face was fine looked great and so I thought wow this stuff really does work...yesterday I woke up and noticed that my face felt tight and sore. I get up and go to look in the mirror and wanted to cry. My face has red splotches all over, huge cyst like pimples, one under my eye that makes my eye so swollen I look like I got punched in the face.

I did not want to blame it on the oil but I scoured the internet yesterday to see if this has happened to anyone else. It has and that sucks. Everyones skin is different so I am sure this doesn't happen that often but it sucks.

I have told everyone I am not leaving the house until it clears up, I am so embarrassed :( Thank goodness for my sweet hubby that kept telling me how beautiful I was last night while I was feeling sad about what I looked like.

I would post a pic of this but its awful and I am embarrassed. So be careful if you have super sensitive or acne prone skin before trying coconut oil on your face.

* I wasn't going to post about this but it was Andys idea, he said maybe there are others it has happened to and you can talk to them, isn't he the sweetest?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekend Recap

Is it really Monday already!? UGH the weekends have been going by way too fast. This weekend was pretty uneventful and we didn't really leave the house which was fine with me. 

Our weekend started Thursday night since Andy was off of work Friday. He went to a USC football game and I stayed home and enjoyed some white wine and some shows on my DVR. This is my "I get the house and TV to myself face."
I also made this for my friends birthday...I want to make this as Christmas gifts too. If I could make a living out of this kind of stuff, trust me I would be doing it! I love making things.
I started these tumblers too for my co-workers. I still have to add some polka dots but aren't they cute?

The rest of the weekend was spent watching football, Nascar, and more football. I also wore my pajamas all day long. OH I almost forgot I colored my hair really dark and I am not sure that I am totally in love with it yet :/

This is my first time linking up for my weekend recap!

I am Thankful!

I was tagged by Miss Katelynn (thank you btw) to talk about 10 things that I am thankful for. If you haven't checked her blog out before you better do so, Katelynn is so sweet and HILARIOUS! Alright folks here we go.

1. Medication
I am thankful for all the medication I am on right now because believe it or not it is actually making me feel better! YAY! I complain about how many times a day I take it and how much it costs but its worth it to be healthy!

(will someone please send him some Christmas Ale?)
2. Andy
My husband. When we first got married people would ask me if it was any different or if anything changed and at first it did feel the same but now (2 months later) I can tell you that EVERYTHING has changed. I feel like I fall in love with him over and over everyday. I can't tell him I love you and thank you enough..I am sure I annoy the poo outta him with that. But I don't know what I would do without that man. I am so thankful for him.

my little space in the living room :)
3. Our Apartment
Our apartment is tiny, like almost the size of a studio. We are seriously running out of room here. But I am thankful we are able to live where we live..and by the beach! I love coming home to our tiny place.

at my bridal shower
4. Parents
I am the only child so I am extremely close to my parents. They are 2 of my bestest friends and it doesn't hurt that they only live about 2 miles away. They are awesome and I love them so much!

5. Pinterest
Because without it I would never want to step foot in the kitchen or try new hair and makeup styles.

6. Blogging
I haven't been blogging very long but since I have been on medical leave it has given me something fun to do and look forward to every day. I have met a lot of nice ladies as well :) I love reading everyones posts and realizing I have a lot in common with you all! So thank you for taking the time to stop by my little blog.

7. Reality TV
I am so thankful that my life isn't that bad compared to what it could be if I was a reality tv star.

8. Sweater Weather
Even though its still in the 70s here I am excited to wear sweaters and boots. I also don't have to worry about being tan or shaving my legs hehe.

9. Online Boutiques
I have always been a fan of shopping at local boutiques here in town but now that I know I can shop them online my life has changed. Except after I buy something, the next day it will be on a website like Groopdealz on sale :( I think they are paying attention to what I buy somehow..hmmm.

10. Holiday Craft Fairs
I am thankful to be going to one next weekend in Long Beach. I want to shop handmade this year for Christmas or try and make things myself. Does anyone else live around Long Beach that is going to the Penelope Lane Craft Boutique?

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Funnies!

I am linking up with an awesome little lady today to bring you some laughs before the weekend!

Did anyone happen to see Kim K's new magazine cover? JK I know everyone saw it but am I the only one that finds her butt gross? I just think it looks fake and just way TOO big. I already have enough trouble getting mine into my jeans I can only imagine how she gets hers on everyday.

Hopefully I didn't offend anyone making fun of Kim :)

Unfortunately my husband roots for one of the worst teams in the NFL..which means I get to root for them too. I am actually going to make myself my own Cleveland Browns shirt.

If i was single this would be on my toilet as we speak. Who am I kidding it would be there now if I wanted it to be!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

90 Day Fiance. My Thoughts

Does anyone else watch this show or am I the only one?
I mean, is he for real? She seems like a really nice lonely lady but Mohammed can get his green card and go do whatever he wants. He seems like a really nice guy but the two of them together? I don't know I guess we will see how it plays out.

I may be a little biased when watching this show because I have a close family friend from England that met a girl online from South America and they dated for a while, he paid for her to go to school and would send her money whenever she asked..They traveled a lot together but she always would make excuses for not being able to visit him in England. They would come to LA to visit us and she barely spoke english and was wayyyy younger than we had thought. Her facebook pics were all of her in her underwear and all she talked to me about was wanting a boob job. Months later he told me that she had cheated on him many times..then he proceeded to propose to her!! Needless to say she kept cheating on him and they broke up. So thats why when I watch this show its hard to believe there are actually GENUINE people out there looking for love and not just a green card.
I actually really like this couple..he comes off as a douche though. His sister in law comes off even worse but hopefully his family comes around and is more accepting of their relationship.
I don't really know what to think of this girl. The first thing she does is get upset he didn't get her all roses and makes him prove to her that her ring isn't fake..also who drinks tequila with their dinner? (besides me?) ;)
He is from Nicarauga and barely speaks english..this couple bores me..
These 2 are my favorite, so cute and so in love. I feel bad she is isolated and alone at his brothers house but I have high hopes for this couple!
Last but not least..this poor guy. She is soo mean to him and he seems way to shy to even defend himself.

Am I the only one with opinions on these couples? Let me know what y'all think!

Oh and for you enjoyment I am including a pic of my friends ex from South America ;)
Yes that man is my husband, I just wanted to show y'all how cute he was and still is ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It's Only November!

I can't believe I am already thinking about my Christmas wish list! I can't help it after my mom and I shopped at Macys this afternoon. Everything is decked out with Christmas decorations. Santa himself even stopped to talk to us about how ridiculously early it was for him to even be at the mall for pictures! I couldn't help but start to make a list in my head of all the fun stuff I want to put on my list this year. Here are a few.

How cute is this monogrammed bangle? You can find it here.

I am obsessed with this Erin Condren planner!

So simple.
Seriously you guys, I use this thing every single day, it works so well.

Nars blush of course.
This whole outfit. I love everything on this site.

What goodies are on your list this year?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekend Rambles

Well this weekend went by super fast! My husband likes to go surfing at 6am on the weekends so I am up to early for a Sunday. We didn't do a thing yesterday except watch the Buckeyes win against Michigan State...oh and make turkey tacos :)

Wolff Taco Bar - I was being a little silly last night

So from my November goals post from last week I mentioned that I was going to try new recipes, well I did, I made something super easy...SOUP. I am a weirdo I hate soup, the smell, the look, everything about soup freaks me out but hey, Andy loves it. I made this recipe. According to Andy its the best soup he has ever had ;)

We finally got around to ordering our Thank You cards, what do y'all think??

So Justin Timberlake is going to be a dad and its not to my baby. In a perfect world this would still be happening..