Monday, March 16, 2015

Remicade Infusions

After being diagnosed 3 years ago with Ulcerative Colitis and all the countless hospital admissions, I never thought I would hear myself say that I am in remission!

My doctor prescribed me medication after medication and nothing seemed to stop any of my symptoms. I was on Lialda and Asacol for what seems like forever. Lets not forget the dreaded Prednisone...ugh. Before being admitted this last time, I decided to switch to a different GI doctor. Thank goodness I did because he recommended for me to start Remicade. 

I heard of Remicade prior to being on it and was very nervous because the side effects are just outrageous and it can cause other things to happen to you, but I was was willing to try anything at that point. The worst thing to do is start googling about the medication, I read so much about Remicade that I started to think I was making the wrong decision, that the med wasn't for me, maybe I could try an alternative, etc. The day came when the office called me to set up my first infusion appointment. Next thing I know the day was here for me to go in.

When I got to the infusion center I brought my iPad, my mom, and a book. It take almost 3 hours to infuse! I didn't know they were going to give me Benadryl which pretty much knocked me out the rest of the day so the iPad and the book weren't needed. They started the iv and 2 1/2 hours later I was good to go. Within 24 hours all my symptoms were gone and have been gone ever since! I had my second infusion last weekend and then I go again in April. I have heard that a lot of people do not react the same way, I feel very lucky. I feel like I am back to the normal girl I was 3 years ago!

I have had some side effects however, fatigue, skin rash, weakness, and nausea. The drug suppresses my immune system so I can get sick very easily.