Thursday, November 13, 2014

90 Day Fiance. My Thoughts

Does anyone else watch this show or am I the only one?
I mean, is he for real? She seems like a really nice lonely lady but Mohammed can get his green card and go do whatever he wants. He seems like a really nice guy but the two of them together? I don't know I guess we will see how it plays out.

I may be a little biased when watching this show because I have a close family friend from England that met a girl online from South America and they dated for a while, he paid for her to go to school and would send her money whenever she asked..They traveled a lot together but she always would make excuses for not being able to visit him in England. They would come to LA to visit us and she barely spoke english and was wayyyy younger than we had thought. Her facebook pics were all of her in her underwear and all she talked to me about was wanting a boob job. Months later he told me that she had cheated on him many times..then he proceeded to propose to her!! Needless to say she kept cheating on him and they broke up. So thats why when I watch this show its hard to believe there are actually GENUINE people out there looking for love and not just a green card.
I actually really like this couple..he comes off as a douche though. His sister in law comes off even worse but hopefully his family comes around and is more accepting of their relationship.
I don't really know what to think of this girl. The first thing she does is get upset he didn't get her all roses and makes him prove to her that her ring isn't fake..also who drinks tequila with their dinner? (besides me?) ;)
He is from Nicarauga and barely speaks english..this couple bores me..
These 2 are my favorite, so cute and so in love. I feel bad she is isolated and alone at his brothers house but I have high hopes for this couple!
Last but not least..this poor guy. She is soo mean to him and he seems way to shy to even defend himself.

Am I the only one with opinions on these couples? Let me know what y'all think!

Oh and for you enjoyment I am including a pic of my friends ex from South America ;)
Yes that man is my husband, I just wanted to show y'all how cute he was and still is ;)


-Heather- November 13, 2014 at 11:06 PM  

Oh I have been meaning to watch this show! I saw one episode last season, and the show in general kind of creeps me out. But I love me some horrible TV! I hate that happened to your friend, some people are just so selfish and rude.

Nancy @ Sincerely and Sarcastically November 14, 2014 at 4:48 PM  

I have watched it! Not religiously but I like it. I think a lot of those people are weird.. and I'm still certain they are all mail ordered brides.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO November 22, 2014 at 2:05 PM  

These couples will stay together long enough for that green card. I watched an episode of this show and was just like WOW!