Monday, November 17, 2014

I am Thankful!

I was tagged by Miss Katelynn (thank you btw) to talk about 10 things that I am thankful for. If you haven't checked her blog out before you better do so, Katelynn is so sweet and HILARIOUS! Alright folks here we go.

1. Medication
I am thankful for all the medication I am on right now because believe it or not it is actually making me feel better! YAY! I complain about how many times a day I take it and how much it costs but its worth it to be healthy!

(will someone please send him some Christmas Ale?)
2. Andy
My husband. When we first got married people would ask me if it was any different or if anything changed and at first it did feel the same but now (2 months later) I can tell you that EVERYTHING has changed. I feel like I fall in love with him over and over everyday. I can't tell him I love you and thank you enough..I am sure I annoy the poo outta him with that. But I don't know what I would do without that man. I am so thankful for him.

my little space in the living room :)
3. Our Apartment
Our apartment is tiny, like almost the size of a studio. We are seriously running out of room here. But I am thankful we are able to live where we live..and by the beach! I love coming home to our tiny place.

at my bridal shower
4. Parents
I am the only child so I am extremely close to my parents. They are 2 of my bestest friends and it doesn't hurt that they only live about 2 miles away. They are awesome and I love them so much!

5. Pinterest
Because without it I would never want to step foot in the kitchen or try new hair and makeup styles.

6. Blogging
I haven't been blogging very long but since I have been on medical leave it has given me something fun to do and look forward to every day. I have met a lot of nice ladies as well :) I love reading everyones posts and realizing I have a lot in common with you all! So thank you for taking the time to stop by my little blog.

7. Reality TV
I am so thankful that my life isn't that bad compared to what it could be if I was a reality tv star.

8. Sweater Weather
Even though its still in the 70s here I am excited to wear sweaters and boots. I also don't have to worry about being tan or shaving my legs hehe.

9. Online Boutiques
I have always been a fan of shopping at local boutiques here in town but now that I know I can shop them online my life has changed. Except after I buy something, the next day it will be on a website like Groopdealz on sale :( I think they are paying attention to what I buy somehow..hmmm.

10. Holiday Craft Fairs
I am thankful to be going to one next weekend in Long Beach. I want to shop handmade this year for Christmas or try and make things myself. Does anyone else live around Long Beach that is going to the Penelope Lane Craft Boutique?


Ashley @ November 17, 2014 at 12:30 PM  

Visiting from Katelynn's bloggy :-) I wish I lived 2 miles away from my parents! I miss those sporadic calls from my mom asking me to come over because she made enough tacos to feed an army.